actually i just skip the "Gula Jawa" from orignal recipe Keluarga Nugraha, but i didn't follow almost all the measurement of it. And for Red Chili Peper (Cabe merah ) i just substitute with "Cabe rawit" that is similar with Thailand chili pepper in US.. lots of them!! :D
So feel free to modify base on your own taste favorite or just copy by the book from the original one.
For the shreded chicken u can grab from your local store bought Roasted Chicken like i did, or just make from scratch use any kind of chicken recipe.
basicly.. for the spices & herbs, u need to unload all your stuffs from fridge or kitchen storage coz it need almost all of them.. hahahaha.. but trust me, it's worth it!
i never measure the ingredients so honestly i have difficulty to write the recipe down and since everbody can put the chicken as much as they like.. so.. hhhmm.. i will assume that this recipe fit for 1 whole chicken, ok.
(Indonesian version)
1 ekor ayam kampung, cincang kasar
kacang panjang, potong kecil-kecil
4 lembar daun salam
4 daun jeruk
2 batang sere, rajang kasar
2 cm lengkuas yg batangnya besar, sebagian di chop sebagian di geprak aja
minyak untuk menumis
Bumbu halus:
18 bw merah
10 bw putih
2 cabe merah + rawit yg banyak
6 kemiri
1 tsp terasi
1-2 Tbsp jahe cincang
1 tsp kunyit bubuk
½ tsp (kurang) kencur bubuk
2 tsp ketumbar
½ - 1 tsp jinten
merica dikit
Tumis semua bumbu halus dan herbs nya dengan minyak secukupnya. Masak sampai wangi, masukkan kacang panjang, tumis sebentar aja, masukkan ayam, aduk sebentar, angkat dari api.
Note dari versi asli Bali style:
Kalau versi aslinya, kacang panjangnya dibiarkan mentah.
Campur bersama potongan ayam.
Masukkan tumisan bumbu2 kedalam adonan sayur dan ayam tadi.
Aduk rata. Sajikan