Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Molten Chocolate Cake

Bener2.. sseeeennnneeenngg deh berhasil bikin nih cake.. siang dah bikin tapi failed.. it became soft cupcake... yummy taste.. well . u know.. it's chocolate we talk about :) hehehe.. but i wanna Molten Cake.. not just choc cupcake... at the evening.. i try again... with very carefully touch .. i just staring at the oven since i put the pan inside... and.... yiipppiiiiiiieeeeeee... SUCCESSFULL!!!

this is the sneak peak ... coz i took this pic at night.. the lightning wasn't good enough.. i put ice cream on top and squeeze the whipping cream too... aaaaarrrrgghhh.. can't resist this !!

i will write the recipe later ok? .. i have to feed my baby now..


achi said...

yummmyyyyyyyy....... harus dibisnisin nih..

Orek-orek'an ku said...

salaaahhh... harus NAMBAH niiiihhh.. gak cukup atttuuu tanteeee..:))

Ratna said...

whua kliatannya uenakk..
hari ini saya coba buat, tapi ga jadi...bagian luarnya ga bisa keras gitu agak lembek2...gatau kenapa
ditunggu yah resepnya...

Orek-orek'an ku said...

@Ratna: pertama kali bikin dulu jg gagal terus, shell nya gk pernah bisa keras. trnyt rahasianya, adonannya tuh harus dimasukin kulkas dulu spy dingin. nah... stl dingin baru dimasukin ke oven (yg udah d preheat sbl nya). karena cold meet hot spt itu, bagian luar bisa matang lbh cepat, tp bagian dlm nya masih cair.:) hope this could help u..

jakarta pray time

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