Nyoba crab rangoon d Panda Express, gara2 dikomporin ama si Rika, jd pengen bikin euy. Emang enak buat snack sore tuh, dan parahnya..kalo dah makan langsung kumat deh penyakit pikunnya... lupa dah abis berapaaa... ngunyah teruuuusss, hihihhi. Ada 2 resep nih, dan aku bagi tugas ama rika untuk nyobain masing2 ajah, ntar mana yg lbh enak. Hmmm.. ternyata sama-sama enak (krn gk butuh banyak bahan dan simple bgt) cuman masalah selera aja. Yang aku coba yaitu Resep I lbh gurih krn lbh kaya bumbu (jadi berasa lebih ke chinese food), yg di Rika yaitu Resep II lbh cheesy. Kalo aku sih lebih suka Resep II dengan tambahan worchestershire sauce (spt yg dipake di Resep I) dan skip ginger nya. Rasanya paaasss bgt di lidah ku... dengan mempertahankan rasa cheesecream nya.
Ingredients :
2 - 8 oz cream cheese (prefer 2 pack for extra cheesy taste)
4 oz fresh crab meat or canned crab meat BumbleBee, drained & flaked
½ tsp Lea&Perins worchestershire sauce
½ tsp light soy sauce
2 - 8 oz cream cheese (prefer 2 pack for extra cheesy taste)
4 oz fresh crab meat or canned crab meat BumbleBee, drained & flaked
½ tsp Lea&Perins worchestershire sauce
½ tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2 green onion, finely sliced
2 medium clove garlic, smashed, peeled, and finely minced
wonton wrappers
1 small bowl water
oil for deep frying
2 green onion, finely sliced
2 medium clove garlic, smashed, peeled, and finely minced
wonton wrappers
1 small bowl water
oil for deep frying
Combine the cream cheese and crab meat. Mix in the remaining six filling ingredients (up to the wonton wrappers) one at a time.
On a flat surface, lay out a won ton wrapper in front of you so that it forms 2 triangles (not a square). Wet the edges of the won ton.
Add 1 teaspoon of filling to the middle, and spread it out toward the left and right points of the wrapper so that it forms a log or rectangular shape (otherwise the wrapper may break in the middle during deep-frying).
Fold over the edges of the wrapper to make a triangle. Wet the edges with water and press together to seal.Keep the completed Crab Rangoon covered with a damp towel or paper towel to keep them from drying out while preparing the remainder.
Source :
Resep I
Resep II
Tips :
Setelah adonan jadi lngs aja masukin frezer biar adonan cheese lngs beku lagi.
Nah, 30menit sbl di goreng keluarkan dan pindah ke refrige bawah, diamkan dulu. Dalam kondisi masih dingin (tp gak beku bgt) lngs goreng di minyak panas. Jadi tuh wonton bisa lngs fry tanpa sempat mencairkan cheese di dalamnya.
Waktu gorengnya, miringkan biar kuncup jg ikut lngs kegoreng duluan, trus balik ke sisi satunya.
Kalo adonan berbentuk kincir ato segitiga, siram2kan minyak panas ke atasnya biar ikut segera kegoreng kering, akhirnya bisa matang bersamaan antara sisi atas dan bawahnya.
Jangan goreng d sisi bawah tepat d adonan crab rangoon, krn cepet bikin cheese leleh. Langsung angkat, dry in paper towel.