Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bolu Gulung Medan

The original recipe said this is Bolu Gulung Medan (Medan Roll Cake) base on the famous Roll Cake in Medan, North Sumatra, called Bolu Gulung Meranti. But.. i made my own version with full of cheese so i called this.. Cheese Roll Cake. Well.. anyway... it's up to u how the cake will b turn up to.. feel free to experiment in your kitchen.

Again... this recipe courtesy of Fatmah Bahalwan NCC :)

Butter Cake, كعكة الزبدة

هذه الكعكة تحتاج فقط 2 بيضة

This butter cake only need 2 eggs .. yeepp.. not like the other butter cakes that contain maaaany of eggs!! so i felt confident to give a try.. hahahahaha.. But heeyy.. it was so simple and taste soo gooodd... with cinnamon twsit that i sprinkle on top made this cake a very good pal on my evening tea party..
Original recipe from Fatmah Bahalwan NCC.. thanks for sharing this lovely recipe.. luv uuuu...:)

120 gr mentega
½ sdt vanili
250gr gula pasir
2 btr telur
200gr tepung terigu
1sdt BP
150ml susu segar
Bahan pelengkap: gula bubuk ( buat donat kuwi lhoo) dan bubuk kayu manis

Cara Membuatnya:
1.Kocok mentega, gula, vanili hingga mengembang dan pucat, masukkan telur satu persatu, kocok lagi sampai tercampur rata dan mengembang.
2.Masukkan tepung dan susu secara bergantian sambil diaduk hingga rata.
3.Oven hingga matang (lk 30 menit) untuk loyang 22x22x4cm
4.Angkat, dinginkan, taburi dg gula bubuk dan bubuk kayu manis. Potong-potong.

jakarta pray time

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