Yep.. masih dlm rangka ngabisin keju di kulkas nih. Si hubby minta dibikinin kastengel.. tapi mentega nya abis... yah, kmrn sampe dibelain tuh ama dia beli di KMart. Soal kemeripik udah ok bgt, tapi soal cheesy, aku harus nambah extra cheese karena mentega disini tuh tawar (gak segurih blue band di jkt) jadi hasil awalnya kurang memuaskan. Akhirnya, aku harus nambah kejunya lagi melebihi takaran resep deh. Mungkin kalo di indo kan ada blue band dan campur rombutter, huuu.. yummmyy... gimana mo gak enaaaakk....hahahahaha... Resep ambil dari nyokap nih... dan meski udah search di blog temen2 tapi trnyt sama aja tuh resepnya... yaa. beda tipis aja. Jadi aku pake resep mommy aja nih.
Ingredients : 400 gr all purpose flour 300 gr butter 150 gr cheddar cheese (can mix with pepperjack cheese) 2 egg yolks
Spread : 1 egg yolk 100 gr cheddar cheese, springkle on top
Methods : Mix the butter and eggs till combine. Add the cheese dan mix again. Add the flour, and continue to mix them with hand. Cover with plastic and put in the refrigerator for about 15min. Take out from refrige and make small dough to roll with your hand to make stick. Form the kasstengel as u like (used to be like a stick). Bake in 325F for 20-25min till golden brown.
Yiippiiieee... jadi juga nih cheesecake resep baruuu... andalan temen, dan kayaknya from now on it will my fave too.... dari sekian resep cheesecake yg pernah aku coba, ini yg paling topp deehh kalo soal rasa. Not too cake... not too lumpy... just cheesy... but fresh lemon... everything just right in their place!!...Many thanks to Rika for sharing this recipe yaaaaa...Ohya... lain kali aku posting resepnya (blm sempet nih).
Idenya sih bikin macaroni schoutle tapi pingin modifikasi, jadi lah daging kornet nya diganti ama daging masak bolognaise yg biasa dipake untuk spagheti. Hehehe.. enak deh, bener2 ngobatin bosen ama mac schoutle yg itu-itu aja. Rasa jadi perpaduan antara mac schoutle ama lasagna gitu deh...yuummyy... Resep dan method nya masih ngikuti resep macaroni schoutle konvensional tapi daging kornet aku ganti ama bolognaise ajah, gampang kan?. Dicocol ama saus tomat ato sambel ABC.. huuuu.. sedaaappp...
Pingin bikin kroket yg lain daripada yg lain, biasanya pake daging, ayam dan temen2nya. Hmm.. dalam rangka ngabisin cheese di kulkas yg mo expired minggu ini, hihihi... lngs bolak balik resep, bikin apa aja yaaa.. abis, nih cheese banyak boo... 1 lb (1/2 kg) !! weleehh.. dibikin apa aja neh. Ok.. salah satunya kita bikin kroket yuuuk... kbetulan jg ada sisa shrimp tinggal dikit jg. Resep aku comot dari Dapur Lia, sebetulnya nih kroket udah 4kali aku bikin.. hehehe.. tapi kali ini berhubung kentang abis, tau gak... daku akhirnya comot french fries nya anak2... hihihi. Omong soal rasa...hmm.. kalo boleh milih sih kayaknya mending pake kentang biasa aja deh, trus kentang di BAKE instead of fried. Ini pake tips dari mbak Estherlita. Okeh.. resep udah aku attach langsung di link nya mbak Lia diatas aja yaa.. biar lengkap mending lngs aja liat ke sana. Duuuww.. seneng deh liat kroket nan cantik ini.. hihihi.. dulu waktu blm tau caranya, bikin kroket tuh selalu pecah... kali ini udah bisa bikin yg ayuuuu...
This time i wanna try the traditional chick soup with scramble poured egg, modified with shrimp to add the taste. It full of veggy and protein too, good for flu indeed. Actually the quantity of the chicken & shrimp is depend on u, how much d u like them in your soup.
Ingredients : 1 breast of chicken, cut cubes small 1/4 lb shrimp 1/2 onion, chop 2 garlic, chop (if fave to garlic u can add more) 2 carrots, cut cubes 1/2 can whole kernel corn peas, additional 1 tsp sesame oil 2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 eggs, whisk salt pepper nutmeg
Method : In medium skillet, heat oil + sesame oil over medium-high. Cook garlic & union till tender. Add chicken and cook till chicken is no longer pink, and add the shrimp, cook till juice. Add the carrots stir ocasionaly and add the water, bring to boil. Add the corn & peas, wait till boil again. Pour eggs and keep whisk till get the scramble egg into the soup. Add salt pepper nutmeg.