ooohhh.. this sate lilit is sooooo goooodddd.. i already love it since the 1st time ate this!! so i browse... and browse... and find this recipe. And by tomorrow i did try this. I give u 2 reference recipe... and i think both are awesome !!
Recipe #1: (sorry.. i haven't translate to english, it still the original one)
here's the original link
Bahan Sate Lilit :
250 gram daging ayam cincang (i use tengiri)
1 sdt merica tumbuk kasar
garam secukupnya
gula secukupnya
1 butir telur ayam
seperempat butir kelapa parut muda
5 buah cabai rawit merah iris halus
3 lembar daun jeruk parut iris halus
10 - 15 batang serai, bersihkan, iris sedikit ujungnya
1 sdm tepung tapioka
1 sdm minyak kelapa untuk mengoles
Bumbu halus:
6 bw merah
2 bw putih
1 cm kencur
1 cm jahe
1 cm laos
½ sdt terasi bakar
½ sdt merica bulat
½ sdt ketumbar
½ sdt jinten
Cara memasak Sate Lilit :
1. Jadikan satu daging ayam bersama bumbu halus, merica, garam, gula dan telur.
2. Remas-remas adonan sampai menjadi kalis.
3. Masukkan kelapa parut, cabai dan daun jeruk purut. Aduk-aduk kembali.
4. Siapkan batang serai. Lumuri sebagian bonggolnya dengan tepung tapioka.
5. Beri 1 sdm adonan ayam dan ratakan sambil dibentuk menjadi bulatan lonjong seperti pentul.
6. Kerjakan hal yang sama hingga adonan habis. Siapkan bara api.
7. Bakar sate lilit sambil sesekali dibalik bila salah satu sisinya sudah matang dan berwarna kecokelatan.
8. Oles dengan sedikit minyak.
9. Rapikan sate dengan memotong batang serai bagian atasnya.
10. Sajikan panas dengan sambal matah, lawar sayur dan nasi pulen panas.
Recipe #2:
here's the original link
• 600g Spanish mackerel
• ½ cup Seafood Spice Paste (see below)
• 5 Fragrant lime leaves, chopped
• 1 pinch Black peppercorns, finely crushed
• 1 pinch salt
• 2 table spoons very finely chopped Bird’s eye chilies
• 2 tsp Palm Sugar
• Lemon grass or satay skewers
1. Mince fish fillet very finely in a food processor or with a chopper. Add all other ingredients and mix well.
2. Mould a heaped tablespoon full of this mixture around a lemon grass skewer over trimmed stalks and grill over charcoal until golden brown.
*Note: this recipe will not work with frozen fish.
For Seafood Spice Paste
• 450g Large red chilies halved, seeded and sliced
• 50g Garlic, peeled and sliced
• 225g Shallots, peeled and sliced
• 175g Fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced
• 100g Ginger, peeled and sliced
• 125g Candle nuts
• 200g Medium sized tomato, halved and seeded *I skip
• 2 tbsp Coriander seeds crushed
• 2 tbsp Dried shrimp paste (terasi), roasted *optional
• 150ml Coconut oil
• 2 ½ tbsp Tamarind pulp
• 250ml Water
• ¾ tbsp Salt
• 3 Salam leaves
• 2 stalks Lemon grass, bruised
1. Combine all ingredients except tamarind pulp, salam leaves and lemon grass, salt and water in a stone mortar or food processor and grind coarsely.
2. Place ground ingredients into a heavy saucepan, add remaining ingredients and simmer over medium heat for approximately 60 minutes or until water is evaporated and marinade changes to golden colour.
3. Cool before using.
4. Transfers into the jar and keep refrigerated
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